

三个月前, I outlined a series of first steps to improve social justice and diversity at Pacific in an effort to make our university a model antiracist institution and a national leader on diversity, 高等教育的公平和包容. I am delighted to report that our colleagues have made outstanding progress on those initiatives. 以下是概述各方面进展的第一季度报告.

多元化、公平和包容副总裁: We created and charged the national 搜索 committee that will be seeking Pacific’s inaugural Vice President for 多样性、公平和包容 (VPDEI), 一个新的内阁级别的职位,直接向总统汇报. 松本雷(Rae Matsumoto)是托马斯. 该委员会的主席是longschoolof 药店. 其他成员按字母顺序排列如下:

  • Elisa Anders,副教务长
  • 朗达·布莱恩特,负责学生福利的副校长兼学生事务主任
  • 马丁·坎普斯,太平洋学院教授
  • 格莱娜·卡罗尔,77届,《博彩平台网址大全》校友代表
  • Aquila Galgon,金融援助执行主任
  • 劳拉·哈尔伯格,贝纳德学院副院长、助理教授
  • Randi Holguin,学生,ASuop总裁
  • 迈克尔·亨特·施瓦茨,麦乔治法学院院长
  • Sacha Joseph-Mathews,埃伯哈特商学院副教授
  • JuEun Lee,工程与计算机科学学院副教授
  • 学生Semaj Martin
  • 纳德·纳德沙希,院长,亚瑟·A. 杜戈尼牙科学院
  • 伦纳德·佩里,男篮副总教练
  • 戴德林·佩顿,心理学系行政助理
  • Madhu Sundarrajan,健康科学学院助理教授

The 搜索 committee has met several times and will be distributing the position description shortly. We will ask you to use your networks to help the 搜索 committee develop a great pool of candidates. 该职位将于2021年7月1日开始,候选人将于明年3月提名.

校级DEI领导: We set a goal of all Pacific schools and colleges to have their own school-level DEI leaders, 加入Dugoni牙科学院, McGeorge法学院和工程与计算机科学学院. 以下是每所学校新命名的DEI负责人:

  • 助理教授Marisella Guerrero | Thomas J. 龙药学院
  • 助理教授Laura Hallberg | Benerd学院
  • 副院长、教授斯科特·詹森|太平洋学院
  • Sacha Joseph-Mathews副教授,Eberhardt商学院
  • Gabriella Musacchia助理教授|健康科学学院
  • 助理院长奥利维亚·纳什|研究生院
  • Associate Professor and Head of 图书馆 研究 and Learning Services Veronica Wells | University Libraries

They will join the existing diversity leads: Assistant Dean Stan Constantino at the 杜戈尼牙科学院, Diversity Coordinator Patricia Lopez at the School of Engineering and Computer Science and Associate Dean Rachael Salcido at the McGeorge School of 法律. 音乐学院还有个预约.

These leaders will be driving DEI initiatives within their schools and working closely with the new VPDEI on universitywide initiatives.

董事和DEI: The newly formed Regents Committee on Excellence identified diversity issues as a top priority and was charged with exploring how to infuse diversity conversations into each Regents meeting. 与此同时, Regent Chair Norm Allen charged the Committee on Regents to make diversifying the board a top priority and to identify people of color who could be considered as future Regents.

对教职员工的强制性年度DEI培训: The Academic Council and the Staff Advisory Council were asked to consider whether to recommend mandatory DEI training. Academic Council reported that it was supportive of mandatory training; the Staff Advisory Council is reviewing the request.

防止种族歧视的新措施: Title IX Coordinator Elizabeth Trayner established a working group to create new and clear protections against discrimination and harassment based upon race and other identities. A policy is being drafted and will be shared with the campus community when it is ready for public comment.

招聘和保留不同的教职员工: 黛博拉·弗里曼, 平权行动和平等就业机会主任, 11月11日,她向内阁提交了首份季度报告. 10, 注重种族人员流动, 并就如何提高我们劳动力的多样性提出了建议. The Cabinet also asked to review exit interview surveys and I directed that all exit interview documentation go to both the exiting employee’s direct supervisor and the appropriate vice president or dean for evaluation.

年度评估中的DEI措施: 人力资源部正在与大学多样性委员会合作, 公平与包容将在年度员工评估中创建一个新的部分. The team is working on sample language now and plans to have the new DEI section ready for 2021 evaluations.

黑人学生筹款奖学金活动: Vice President of University Development and 校友 Relations Burnie Atterbury reports nearly $200,000美元的新礼物来支持黑人学生, 其中包括97美元,为新的“提升每个声音”奖学金筹集了700美元, 由摄政主席Norm Allen领导, 和87美元,500 to establish the Diversity and Inclusion Endowed 奖学金 for Black Students.

取消本科入学标准考试: Vice President for Enrollment Management Chris Ferguson is leading a comprehensive review of future use of the SAT and ACT, 哪些被发现有文化和社会经济偏见. Central to that review is a new holistic application evaluation process that includes more variables to weigh when shaping an incoming class for student success. Pacific already has committed to making the tests optional for new students this past year and the coming year.

大学多样性、公平和包容委员会(UCDEI): 该委员会, 由玛莎·普拉特领导, 校友俱乐部和地区项目的助理主任, 董庆文教授, 传播学研究生项目主任, played a lead role this semester in creating conversations around social justice and diversity issues through the well-attended weekly “Pacific Together” series. UCDEI sponsored 12 dialogues attended by nearly 800 total viewers addressing social, 社会的文化和结构不平等,并帮助教育, 参与并鼓励太平洋人成为争取社会正义的领导者. 另外, UCDEI organized a “Let’s Talk Tuesdays” social media campaign to complement the DEI dialogues.

大学图书馆多样性审计: A newly formed committee is working on organizing and developing methodologies and criteria for a DEI audit of the entire University Libraries collection, 包括印刷材料, 电子书, 数据库, 特殊的集合, 艺术收藏和学术共享. Vice Provost and Interim University Librarian Edie Sparks said students will participate in the audit through internships and/or work study opportunities in the spring semester. 图书馆计划赞助一系列与学生的对话, faculty and staff in fall 2021 to discuss the audit findings and the following semester create DEI-focused guidelines for future library purchases.

执法互动工作坊: 大学校长赫克托·埃斯卡兰特博士. Carlton Oler of Counseling and Psychological Services and 安全 and Security Executive Director Grant Bedford held the first workshops with the Pacific community on Sept. 10月30及10月30日. 21. 计划在春季学期开设更多的研讨会.

面向学生的DEI新编程: The Division of 学生生活 organized dozens of DEI-related programs and events this semester, 重点是经济援助教育, 健康和福利, 学习技巧, 精神生活, 性别平等和黑人学生的成功, 拉丁美洲人, 印第安人, 亚裔美国人, LGBTQ和第一代大学生. 与此同时, ASuop is analyzing the results of focus groups completed earlier this semester.

我非常感谢博彩平台网址大全的几十位教职员工, staff and students who have led these efforts to advance social justice and diversity at our university over the past few months. 我们都应该为取得的进步感到自豪, but also understand that this is just the beginning as we strive to become a model antiracist university and a national leader on diversity, 高等教育的公平和包容.


