A unique endodontics program combining the best of clinical education 和 re搜索 training in San Francisco, 加州. Students will work with a team of clinician-scientists with experience in basic 和 translational re搜索 at the Department of Endodontics, 博彩平台网址大全,亚瑟一个. 杜戈尼牙科学院.  


We focus on groundbreaking technologies in endodontics, including novel tissue engineering 和 disinfection strategies. By integrating our clinical 和 re搜索 expertise in microbiology, tissue engineering 和 materials science, we aim to investigate 和 develop approaches that will eradicate endodontic biofilms 和 promote regeneration of the dentin-pulp complex.


Our core philosophy: diversity 和 inclusiveness combined with multidisciplinary re搜索 leads to massive leaps in disruptive re搜索 that can benefit humanity.



The Department of Endodontics offers a Certificate in Endodontics – PhD conjoint program. 这五年, 全职, self-funded program provides a unique opportunity for clinician-scientists to hone their skills 和 excel both in their advanced clinical training in endodontics, 还有前沿研究, which prepares them for both specialty practice 和 the academic world.



The first three years of this program are dedicated to the PhD program, which is offered in association with the Department of Chemistry, 和 the subsequent two years focus on advanced training in endodontology. Students will have an outst和ing opportunity to develop their knowledge, scientific 和 laboratory skills on several cutting-edge re搜索 projects helping to further the Department of Endodontics’ goals. 



As one of the select few clinician-scientists with advanced training in endodontology 和 a PhD, you become ready for both clinical practice 和 an educator/scientist track. There is also ample opportunity in industry for c和idates who have an interest in entrepreneurship. During the PhD program, you will also be exposed to the classic 和 recent science in endodontics. You will have the opportunity to attend classes with the endodontic residents. You will also engage in the simulation laboratory 和 didactic education of the pre-doctoral students during your program. 




General Core courses (MANDATORY): TOTAL 20 CREDITS

PCSP 201: Statistics 和 Experimental design (3 credits)
PCSP 203: Information 和 Laboratory Management (1 credit)
PCSP 209: Technical writing 和 Presentation (1 credit)
PCSP 395:研讨会(3学分) 
PCSP 397:研究项目(8学分) 
PCSP 399:学位论文(4学分)

Specialized core courses (MANDATORY): TOTAL 17 CREDITS

PCSP 212: Methods in bioanalytical, physical 和 biochemistry (2 credits)
PDENT-2304: Microbiology as it relates to oral health (4 credits)
PDENT-2305: Infection 和 immunity (4 credits)
PCSP 237: Cell culture techniques (2 credits)
PDENT-2306: Microbiological laboratory techniques (2 credits)
PDENT-2307: Laboratory rotation (3 credits)

Elective courses (General): At least 2 required (TOTAL 3 CREDITS)

PCSP 207:生物分析技术 
PCSP 208: Applied Pharmaceutical Analysis 
pdt -2308:一般微生物学 
PDENT-2309: Introduction to tissue engineering

Specialized electives: At least 3 required (TOTAL 5 CREDITS)

PCSP 215: Molecular modeling 和 Drug design
PDENT-2311: Pulp 和 periradicular biology
PDENT-2314: Advanced microscopy for biomedical re搜索


You will jointly apply to the pharmacy 和 dental schools for this program. 步骤如下:

  1. 审查申请要求
  2. Gather all required documentation for both programs
  3. Email all documentation as PDF attachments (you can also send as a Zip file) to 格洛丽亚苏 at gsue@hd122.net
  4. Upon review, an interview will be scheduled


415.929.6677 gsue@hd122.net

博彩平台网址大全,亚瑟一个. 杜戈尼牙科学院