
数学教育有助于学生的发展, 充分发挥他们的潜力, 他们的数学推理, 沟通和解决问题的能力. Students who choose to major in mathematics are provided opportunities to develop strong problem solving skills that use quantitative methods and appropriate technology. 他们了解我们的优势, limitations and wide applicability of mathematical modeling in a variety of disciplines. 培养学生对数学的学科和美学的欣赏, 解决问题的效率, 以及对理论的适当理解. 


你可以选择在三年内获得学士学位. Do your part to stay on track, and you could shave a year off your undergraduate work. 这意味着大大节省了学费,你的职业生涯也有了一个快速的开始.


奥斯卡·阿瓦洛斯一直很喜欢数字和谜题. 他怀着学习纯数学的愿望来到博彩平台网址大全, but an invitation from his professor to attend a math conference led him to a prestigious internship at the Chan-Zuckerberg Bio Hub, 他在哪里发现了他对生物数学的热情.  

而我们在学术和研究方面都很出色, 本科数学教学是我们最重视的一项任务. 我们的班级规模很小,使我们能够根据学生的需要定制课程:

  • 低年级课程有15-40名学生.
  • 高级课程的学生较少,通常在10人左右.


毕业后, 学数学的学生在保险公司的职业生涯中表现出色, 政府的各个部门, 法学院, 医学院和工程公司. 一些人继续攻读数学研究生. Others become math teachers at middle schools and high schools or pursue careers as actuaries. 数学 plays an important role in many careers, a few of which are highlighted here.

精算师 为保险公司、银行、投资公司和政府机构工作. This job is consistently rated among the top five professions in the United States. 精算师确定某些决策所涉及的风险, 比如汽车保险应该花多少钱,或者共同基金应该如何管理.

合格的 高中数学教师 总是供不应求. 我们的许多校友在毕业前就得到了工作机会. 

许多分支机构的 政府 采用数学家. 国防部 国家安全局例如,美国环境保护署和美国国家航空航天局.

运筹学分析师 在一个组织中工作,使事情有效地运行. 生产应该如何安排? 资源应该如何分配? 

学习数学专业是很好的准备 法学院. 法律yers must be analytical, creative and skilled in logical reasoning and problem solving. 数学训练可以培养这些能力. 

医学院校 有很好的录取数学专业学生的记录. Our program is designed to allow students to take a broad range of courses that might include biology and chemistry if you are interested in the medical profession.

其他职业选择 对于数学专业的学生包括:

  • 工程师
  • 计算机程序员
  • 统计学家
  • 经济学家
  • 牙医
  • 科学作家或编辑
  • 环境顾问


A variety of degree options are available through the 数学 Department to meet a range of career and academic goals. 主修数学的学生可以从四个学位中选择:数学学士学位或数学学士学位, 应用数学或精算学学士学位. 

Students who choose to double major or minor in mathematics or who choose to study mathematics as part of their liberal arts education learn the major methods, 数学科学的适用性和精神. Our department helps students to develop the quantitative skills necessary for success in any career.


  • The BA in mathematics requires 10 math courses; this gives students room to take coursework for another interest such as preparation for law or medical school.
  • If you are planning for graduate study in mathematics or economics or a career in mathematics, 我们的数学学士是一个不错的选择.
  • If you are looking for a second major or are interested in graduate study in engineering, 应用数学的学士学位可能适合你.
  • We offer curriculum designed to prepare future high school math teachers for the CSET exams.



The 太平洋数学俱乐部 helps to create a sense of community and sociability among our students. It has held occasional events such as movie nights or the celebration of Pi-Day on March 14. 如果你有兴趣参加这个小组请联系Chris Goff.


The 太平洋问题解决小组 is a student collaborative focused on collectively solving problems posed in math publications such as 视野这是一本面向大学生的数学杂志. 我们的团队在2006年2月版的 视野 正确地解决了一个给定的问题. Students Damian Mondragon ('08) and Michael Abram ('11) were cited in separate issues of 视野 对于提交的解决方案. 如果你有兴趣加入这个小组,请联系Chris Goff.


The Putnam is the premier math competition for undergraduates in the United States and Canada. 考试, 由12个问题组成, 是为了测试数学知识以及创造力和原创性. Each year roughly 3,500 students from 500 colleges and universities participate in the Putnam. 比赛在每年12月的第一个星期六举行. If you are interested in taking the Putnam as part of the 博彩平台网址大全 team, 联系阿列克谢·别图科夫. You may also be interested in taking our one unit Problem Solving Seminar offered each fall semester.


2011年4月, 17名太平洋学生加入了是, 全国数学荣誉学会.  这些学生是350的创始成员th是的章节,被命名为加州西格玛章节.  这一新篇章的请愿是由太平洋数学俱乐部发起的.


是 is an honor society whose purpose is the promotion and recognition of scholarly activity in the mathematical sciences among students at the academic institutions that have been chartered as Chapters of the Society.

是 accomplishes its goals by promoting and recognizing scholarly activity among students through active, 充满活力的章节:

  1. 根据数学的熟练程度,选出荣誉会员;
  2. Engage in activities designed to promote the mathematical and scholarly development of its Members; and
  3. 采取其他旨在促进本会宗旨的措施.



A career in 保险精算学 is one of the best options that a student with talents and interests in mathematics, 统计数据, 经济和金融可以追求. 它被CareerCast评为2019年十大最佳工作之一.com. 博彩平台网址大全在数学课程中提供精算科学课程. 


Students pursuing a California mathematics or foundational-level mathematics single-subject teaching credential may elect either the BA or BS program. 除了获得学位之外, students must show subject matter competency by passing the CSET (California Subject Exams for Teachers) in mathematics.

Students planning to earn a degree and a teaching credential simultaneously are required to take certain professional education courses during their undergraduate years. 


如果你想有资格在中学教数学, 你应该完成社会科学的单科目证书. Ask you adviser or the department chair for information on specific course requirements.  关于其他证书要求,你应该咨询贝纳德学院的教员.


The Pac诺伊斯博彩平台网址大全排名 Program provides scholarships and other support for STEM majors at Pacific who become teachers in high-needs school districts, 比如斯托克顿.

你可能有资格获得价值高达13美元的罗伯特·诺伊斯教师奖学金,750元/年, 大三学生和大四学生的票价为20美元,硕士/教师资格证书的最后一年.


每年春天, the 博彩平台网址大全 数学系 hosts the Avinash蕾娜 高中数学竞赛, which invites high school mathletes from across the Central Valley to hone their skills and test their knowledge in an exciting day of competitive math activities.

The Avinash蕾娜 高中数学竞赛 was made possible through the donation of the parents of a young Stockton man, Avinash蕾娜, 他在斯塔格高中的时候数学能力超群. Avinash was a gifted student who believed math skills were critical to our everyday living. 他不仅擅长数学,而且对演讲和新闻也很有热情. 阿维纳什从来没能实现他的许多职业抱负, 因为19岁时他被诊断出舌癌. 阿维纳什在不到两年的时间里死于这种疾病. 

延续阿维纳什卓越的学术成就和对数学的热情, our Math Club students organize the competition every spring to ensure that the flame of knowledge continues to burn in his memory. 





209.946.2347 lcorona@hd122.net

斯托克顿CA 95211